Shadow man

 Hes watching. Hes planning. Hes waiting.

There is a man that lives in the dark, he loves to linger around. His face just black and eyes so empty he is looking at your now. In the creak of your door, under your bed, in an empty hallway or looking through your windows. Nails as long as branches on the tallest of trees and a body as thin as air. Don't sleep in total darkness or the shadow man is there. From years ago where a nice man was be formed into a demon. I saw him once during a thunderstorm just laying on my bed. At first the corner of the room that was dark just grew and grew and grew. It felt like time just stopped right there I could see his scary form. I rushed to cover my blanket above my head thinking I was safe. But every lightening that lit the room the darkness grew closer and closer. . . . . I could almost hear my heart beating out of my chest. . . . I counted down from 10...... 10..... I can see his shadowy hands..... 9..... I can feel his breath....8.....he is getting closer now.... 7.... I can't breathe.... 6.......he is taking over ... I cant.... 5.. ......
